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Devoted October 2019

Vow Renewal-ish? Help Needed Please

Star, on July 2, 2020 at 3:32 PM Posted in Married Life 1 3
Hey ladies!
Hope y’all are doing well and will continue to do so. Especially with how this year has been for everyone. Sending love hugs and prayers to everyone especially anyone that’s lost a loved one for any reason, not just due to covid. No matter how it happened; I know it’s the most difficult and terrible situation to go through: to lose a loved one, no matter what relationship you had with them (spouse, partner, friend, sibling, parent, cousin, pets, etc) also doesn’t matter whether you were even necessarily emotionally or even physically close with them since losing someone is so permanent and just again terrible/immensely excruciating. I know firsthand and want to say it does get easier. It doesn’t completely go away—-but it does get easier and ‘this too shall pass’ ❤️ You’re also not alone ❤️❤️

(A little background beforehand. Sorry y’all 🤣 I’m sure y’all know I’m Chatty Cathy by now if you’ve ever read any of my other posts. If not you’re about to find out 😂 😆 so if you want to read go for it and I appreciate it either way however if you don’t want to read much today/want to skip for the more main point/s look for the • symbols ☺️)
I’ve posted on here before about this. (Vow renewal subject)And like I’ve also said before my husband isn’t all on board with it however I feel like if I can show him how much it means to me/also how inexpensive it can be (I’ve done this before with him on even necessary items like house repairs, groceries, vehicle repairs etc—(he’s super stubborn pretty much 😂) but he gets it in his head with something and no matter what it is even if what needs to be done-seriously NEEDS to be done—-he doesn’t want to do it nor won’t until I at least do my best to show him exactly the process but also mainly that it isn’t going to cost as much as he thinks. (He also for some reason thinks everything has to cost like half a million dollars to be nice or anything close to nice. Our wedding planning was a roller coaster let me tell y’all) & I know that *usually* with quality you have to pay for quality and can’t all the time expect to get a great result from someone for example a photographer that costs $500 and then expect to get the exact same quality/results from a photographer that costs $1200. It may happen for you and you may luck out.. However from my experience especially and even others I know.: You can’t expect that. So yes you do have to spend a certain amount and a certain ‘pretty penny’ for a wedding especially for quality vendors etc for your special day so that you can ensure quality results. HOWEVER (along with me loving deals and clipping coupons. I’m also sure we all love saving money and look for the best deals) I know what certain things should cost or within what they should cost/what’s reasonable and what’s completely unreasonable. (And not just what’s within our ‘budget’) So once he has seen/sees that even things that are quality and come with professional and quality results (even if it’s more than I initially wanted to necessarily spend-like before when I was a novice and new at the wedding world and wedding planning) it’s still more than within reason and does NOT cost even anywhere near an arm and a leg like my husband thought/thinks. (On top of him not even doing any research. Pretty much he just assumes everything and that doesn’t help either 🤣 but yeah. I love him to death/he truly is my best friend & my Everything However with things like this he seriously can drive me crazy 😂) but because of this that’s why I’m thinking—- well If I can get great ideas and inexpensive tips tricks maybe even vendors to help out and give my husband a low total cost for a vow renewal or even just an anniversary party—we can do it. ( I’ve said before the vows were the best part to our wedding day-and the most important on top marrying my best friend and being with him forever. The vows and ceremony especially from my standpoint -during- went the best.) I also know vows don’t ‘expire’ and I feel that neither of us have a legit reason besides Pretty much wanting a redo of the wedding we both wanted to have. & envisioned. (I also know you can’t really redo a wedding etc especially if you’re already married. Just want some consolation)We’re doing an anniversary photoshoot to hopefully get some or most of the pictures we weren’t able to get of us on our wedding day but as far as a vow renewal/anniversary party go:•can we do a vow renewal without really anyone else being there besides us and the photographer/videographer?•can you have videography at a vow renewal?•as far as the post ceremony/anniversary photoshoot goes is it a good idea to have a videographer present as well? I was thinking and wanting a video of us taking shots and laughing together (what we usually do especially during photo shoots 😂) because I thought it would be a precious/sweet memory to have/be able to not only look back on it but also watch years from now. Or do y’all think this would be too much? Maybe a short video of us taking pictures? Also it would be on our anniversary (for both photo/video so that again is why I thought it would be even sweeter)•should I just use a camera/my phone on a tripod to get a video of us during our anniversary photoshoot?•should we even have a ‘vow renewal’ since we don’t really want to reading our vows or anything?Maybe just say a couple sweet poems/notes to each other? Then have a small lunch/potential dance to just a smartphone playing on a Bluetooth speaker of our first song and call it good? •should we just take the anniversary photos/potential video and call it good? Perhaps insert the bit of reading notes to each other and maybe even doing the first dance and a lunch if applicable? Besides that •should we just scratch the vow renewal thing altogether and just have photoshoot/preferably with a short video to capture it too then have a laid back anniversary party later on?•if we do have a ‘vow renewal’ or whatever you want to call it and we don’t want to really invite anyone else. Should we do it at our home? Where we initially wanted our actual wedding Or •should we go to have a vow renewal in somewhere like Vegas/somewhere that have all inclusive packages that way everything’s included and it’d be less stress and also like another honeymoon/get away and vacation kind of thing? (Which we never get much time together/alone time regardless like it is even If work is slow. Let alone time for vacationing especially alone together) Again apologize for the length. I’m always doing my best. I know I talk a lot and I understand I probably shouldn’t talk as much as I do especially for certain posts and things. However I’d be lying if I said that isn’t who I naturally am in person 🤣 I’m very detail oriented and believe ‘you can’t get the full picture if you don’t know the knitty gritty details’ kind of mindset. If you’ve read it all or even at least made it this far thank you and cheers to you 🥂 🥰❤️Also want to say hope you have a great day and weekend and happy fourth! 🎇 🇺🇸 ❤️🤍💙PS I do my best to spread the most love positivity empathy compassion understanding etc as possible. Not only is this part of who I am and how I have always been since I was little but this is also how I was raised to be and believe to be the best version of myself as well as truly believing you should treat others how you would want to be treated. However for some reason several of my posts have been receiving some pretty hateful and not helpful at all comments by a few people and so I feel it necessary to say that although everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that’s fine however if you’re just going to comment negativity also hatefulness and pretty bashing me and my opinion on MY OWN POST—- please don’t comment anything at all. Honestly ever. To my posts especially 😂. It’s different if you’re providing legit advice like ‘oh I would do this instead of this because this happened to me..’ kind of thing. But to seriously pretty much put me down and say that whatever I want to do I shouldn’t do just because YOU don’t want me to do it. Is not okay. On top of other things said to me. Just please. Don’t comment if you’re going to be negative, hateful, bash etc. I always only ever want love, positivity, advice, opinions (of pretty much only what life experiences y’all have had rather than just telling me how to live my life/or how I should feel how I should think etc kind of things) Happy Thursday and have a great weekend. ☺️❤️❤️


Latest activity by Elmarose, on July 4, 2020 at 12:21 AM
  • M
    VIP January 2019
    Maggie ·
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    I'm not sure if I can tell exactly what you are asking, but I think your post boils down to this: "can we do a vow renewal without really anyone else being there besides us and the photographer/videographer?•can you have videography at a vow renewal?"

    You can literally do anything you want at a vow renewal; there are no rules. So, sure, make it just the two of you and have photography and videography. Enjoy your celebration however you want.

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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
    Rebecca ·
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    I'm not sure exactly what it is you're asking. Or are you just venting? (Totally fine.)

    If it's a vow renewal, do whatever you want - it's celebrating your marriage.

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  • Elmarose
    Expert July 2022
    Elmarose ·
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    If you are not renewing your vows then I feel what you really are seeking for is a romantic get away with your spouse and to hear each other say how grateful you are towards one another. I say this because you said you wouldn't be saying your vows again only poems or kind words to one another. I feel that in your photoshoot the tripod could possible work but it wouldn't capture all the angles as to how it will be set in one spot at all time. Maybe if you know investing in a good photographer look for one that has a bundle for photography and videography that's what I chose for my wedding day. I say you can choose what ever you want as long as you and your spouse are in agreement with one another. If this is something you choose to want to share with your loved ones maybe create a photoshoot calendar of the year or a post card sharing your amazing experience with one another.

    Happy Fourth of July and have a wonderful weekend as well Smiley heart Smiley shame

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