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VIP May 2020


Jai, on June 1, 2021 at 9:30 PM Posted in Married Life 0 30
Today my mom got spinal fusion surgery and we went to visit her in the hospital. As we are visiting her my husbands on his phone reading a book. I ask to speak to him outside her room because I find his behavior rude and say this to him when we are alone. We are here to visit not read, I don't do this to his family. We have visited his uncle in the hospital before and neither of us read, we focused on the visit. Well he tells my mom that he has a lot to do today (focus on his truck to get it ready to haul stone down to where they live to help then cover more of their driveway) and how he doesn't want to stay too long. Well later on in the evening I called my mom and she was a little hurt that he had said that to her. She told me my presence is more important than his, and she appreciates him visiting but wants me there. Well we continue to argue about what he did and he thinks I'm over reacting and nitpicking and he's tired of conforming for me. I told him people change their bad hurtful habits for the people they love and he's tired of changing because he can't. I told him that if his temper changed he's perfect for me. Well he tells me therapy isn't working and to find a good lawyer in a couple of months. I tell him calmly that sometimes people don't work out and that's okay, even if it hurts I'll let him go. I love him but we may be too different and I want someone with a similar temperament to me; and that he brings out the worst in me, and I'm not normally an angry person. It usually takes a lot to get me angry but he triggers the worse parts of me. And after talking to my therapist, I decided that during our next couples therapy session I want to tell my husband in a safe setting that I love him, and I want this to work. But if things are still this way by the end of the year, before we sign for a townhome and invest a lot of money into it, I want to reconsider and go our separate ways. I love him and always will, but I have to put me first and I'm tired of trying when we make it so far then it all falls apart. We agreed tonight that his anger will make or break this marriage. I walk on eggshells around him all the time and can't ever 100% fully tell him how I feel because of his temper. I can't live the rest of my life this way.


Latest activity by Reasie, on June 4, 2021 at 10:50 PM
  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah Online ·
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    "I walk on eggshells around him all the time and can't ever 100% fully tell him how I feel because of his temper."

    This is not a way to live. I am so sorry you're going through all this. I've followed several of your posts, and this just does not sound like a healthy relationship. This is an emotionally abusive relationship, and you deserve more. Kudos to you for thinking about these hard decisions that no one should ever have to make.
  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
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    Thank you I appreciate it. I'm so emotionally exhausted today
  • Sarah
    Master September 2019
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    I know you’re saying you will give it until the end of the year, but based on your previous posts and this one, he’s already shown you who he is. Believe him. This will only get more toxic the longer you stay. And as someone who has been in a similar relationship to the one you describe here, it won’t take much until his anger comes out in physical aggression, if it isn’t already. You need to remove yourself from this relationship and find a safe place to stay.
  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
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    I'm working on a plan B as we speak, a safe place!
  • Katie
    Expert August 2021
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    When you are with the right person you both will become better people without even realizing that you have changed to this better person. But others will definitely notice the healthier difference in the way you carry yourself. If he is making you turn into an angry person and he doesn't feel the need to change the way he is then I think it's time to part ways. No amount of couples therapy or even the best therapy in the world can make 2 people who just aren't meant for each other work. I think you are on the right path to part ways with him. Yes you love him and yes I'm sure it will hurt parting ways but it is something you owe to yourself, he is toxic to you and will just keep bringing you down. You should never have to walk on eggshells for your spouse. You should always be able to tell them how you feel with out worrying about the persons anger. Good luck and remember to take care of yourself first and do things for yourself first.
  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
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    Thank you! I appreciate your kind words and I will take them with me. I needed to read this 💙
  • Katie
    Expert August 2021
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    You're welcome 💙
  • V
    Rockstar July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    Unfortunately, it sounds like there have been a ton of red flags both before and after you married him. I saw you were upset someone said you shouldn't have married him, but I honestly think they made a logical point. It sounds like your relationship was strained even before you two got married. I wouldn't expect him to suddenly change just because he now has a ring on his finger. Personally I would get out now rather than hoping he will change his attitude especially when he's flat out told you his attitude isn't going to change.
  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
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    They can make a logical point but they don't have to be rude about it. Everyone on this post has made decisions that they regret or have severely impacted them. Nobody deserves to feel judgment or shame for their choices, and I feel that way when reading some comments because they are unsupportive and I see I need to stop venting on here. It's no longer a safe place. Thanks for your input.
  • V
    Rockstar July 2019
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    I'm sorry you don't feel supported. I agree people do make decisions they come to regret though. Based on your past posts and this one, it sounds like you've put a lot of time and energy into your relationship and he's not especially if he's telling you get a lawyer. Sadly, I don't see this having a happy ending and I'm really truly sorry. You deserve someone who will love and respect you and your family. Best wishes ❤️
  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
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    Thank you I appreciate this💙, my goal is to work on myself and making sure I feel valued and loved before I ever give myself to anyone. I've been married slightly over a year and it's not how I imagined it would be. And you're right there's no happy ending for me with him. I'll have to make my own!
  • Dana
    Savvy October 2021
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    Having a temper is one thing. But if he literally makes you feel like you can't talk to him about it, you should go. My fiance has a temper as well but we have always ALWAYS resolved it by talking once he cools down and I have never been afraid of him.
  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
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    I'm not afraid of mine but there literally is no cooling off. This anger of his lasts for hours. We argued 5 hours ago and he's still angry. While me I'm just tired.
  • Katie
    VIP August 2020
    Katie ·
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    Jai, I’m very sorry you are going through this. You are doing everything you can by communicating and going to therapy. No matter what happens, you know you have done absolutely everything in your power to make the marriage work. A relative of mine was in a marriage that lasted about a year. She did everything to make it work, but there was a specific incident she really needed his support and just kindness and he either couldn’t or wouldn’t be the friend a husband should be. It’s so very hard to understand why. She knew right then.

    A year after their divorce, she met my uncle. Happily married for over 30 years, three kids and are now grandparents. They danced at my wedding and all their children were there too. ❤️ Have faith honey, things seem darkest before the light.
    If you’re curious to what happened to her first husband, decades later he ran into a mutual friend at the grocery store. Told her losing my aunt was the biggest mistake of his life. Sad, but he had his chances to treat her with kindness, friendship and just general respect. She moved on and can tell you, she doesn’t spend much time thinking about him.
    I wish you safety first and foremost, keep loving yourself, no regrets because if you hadn’t married you may have wondered “what if”, no matter what happens, you have a bright future and sounds like a mother who loves you very much. ❤️❤️❤️
  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
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    Aww thank you for this. It's so inspirational and beautiful and makes me teary eyed. I'm so happy your aunt found happiness and what what deserves! This gives me hope and ik one day he will look back and regret what he's done and ik by then I'll be moved on. I don't regret my marriage because it has taught me so much. I just regret not making wiser choices for me.
  • Gabby
    Devoted October 2021
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    Has he gotten his drinking under control?
  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
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    We haven't had an incident since I last posted about him throwing up. He hasn't been out socially drinking at all alone or with his friends. That's the only change I've seen.
  • Katie
    VIP August 2020
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    You are welcome ❤️ It’s never too late and you are emerging as the best version of yourself. I am confident 30 years from now, you too will be dancing at a wedding with the life you always dreamed of ❤️ All the best to you and if possible, keep us posted.
  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
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    Thank you I needed this 🙏❤
  • J
    Judith ·
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    To me you sound like you have strong differences. When you go in to marriage thinking, well these will change, and that will change, because we love each other, it can take a while to realize many fundamental things are not going to change. an example: when they marry, some people think one married the whole family of their spouse, and that everyone treats everyone like one big happy family. ... But many marry just their new partner with no expextation of seeing the family more than very occasionally. Never really joining it. Never wanting to spend more than a short visit when clearly the child comes home to mom and dad, and the spouse comes with them, little more. Either way is perfectly fine. But neither can do anything to change things if they don't want to. You clearly want your hubby to change and meet your standards. Well, it is not going to happen. He thinks he has done morthan enough. You think he has not done nearly enough. But you want all the change to be his. Ain't happening, not in one year, not in 5 or 10.😥 And I feel that way reading a few of your posts. You do not want or expect the same things out of the same situation. And I do not see you changing. Either of you. Sometimes it is better to recognize that than pound on it hoping things will change. I think his drinking is one of those things. He clearly sees nothing wrong in 6-9 drinks in a few hours, and driving home. The fact that he has risked everyone else life, so he can have a great night out, is not likely to change unless something awful happens. Even though it only happens now and then, are you ready to live with the fact he is not going to change, because he sees nothing wrong with what he does? 💔. It is a matter of time. I would do it sooner not later.
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