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Just Said Yes May 2025

Urgent Advice Needed

User1525, on May 6, 2024 at 8:01 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 5

Hi everyone,

I’m facing quite a predicament and I’m hoping you can help.
I was a friend’s MOH last year. I know her since kindergarten but we weren’t all that close growing up, only started hanging out in the pst 5 years when we both moved to the same city. I was initially shocked to be asked at all considering I didn’t think I was her closest friend and she has a cousin whom she calls her “sister” and sees regularly. I accepted because I didn’t want to let her down and went above and beyond her many lists of tasks for me. During this time, I was treated quite poorly by her and a few people commented on it. It was as if I was an employee rather than a friend. I was hurt and shocked by her behaviour and it caused me a lot of stress. I distanced myself a little since but she continues to refer to me as her best friend although she never asks to meet up, calls or never made any effort with me since my dad fell I’ll last year, not even a phone call.
However, I am now engaged. I have one sister and two very close friends who have been there with me through a lot in life, despite only knowing them 10 years. I want to ask them to be bridesmaids but I know the other girl will be so upset and shocked. I don’t want to seem mean but it wouldn’t make sense to me to ask her only because she asked me.
I know another friend since before kindergarten and I was thinking of asking them both if they would like to say a prayer/reading in the church and since I can’t have everyone as bridesmaid (for financial reasons and the groom only wants 3 groomsmen)
Can I have some feedback please? Am I being mean? Is this the right approach? Please help.


Latest activity by Michelle, on May 9, 2024 at 9:06 PM
  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    You're not being mean at all.

    Sounds like your friend was treating you as a MAID, vs an honoured bridesmaid, which we do see a fair amount around here. I'm sorry she wasn't good to you. That sucks.

    You don't owe anyone a place in your wedding party. Certainly not because you were in theirs. Choose who you want to honour in your life. Being a guest is an honour too, and that's ok that you don't have everyone standing up with you.

    I hope your planning goes well! It looks like you're not getting married for another year, so you don't need to feel rushed to make a decision on this right away.

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  • LM
    Super December 2022
    LM ·
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    I recommend not making your wedding about her feelings at all. Go with your instincts and keep your distance from someone so self-interested. Your own bridal party should be those closest to you for whom you can lean on emotionally, and not necessarily your oldest acquaintances or family members. But as Jacks points out, you have time to determine who or if you even want a WP. Best wishes on your engagement!

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  • C
    CM ·
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    The way you describe her past behavior and treatment of you I would not worry at all and would let the chips fall where they may with the friendship. That said, your sides do not have to be even.
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  • Andrea
    Rockstar January 2024
    Andrea ·
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    That sounds completely reasonable to me. You’re not obligated to ask someone to be a bridesmaid just because you were theirs.
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    Roles are not reciprocal. The acquaintance from kindergarten is not your friend. Grieve the lost friendship and move forward with your life, and don’t ask her to be at your wedding either as a bridesmaid or guest. Pick the closest people who support you now and treat you with respect now in your life. An unpopular opinion is that some people prefer to be guests whose only responsibility is to enjoy themselves and celebrate you. They feel more honored as a regular guest than a bridesmaid, because there are countless posts where women say they don’t have the emotional or financial bandwidth to be a bridesmaid but they can’t wait to be a guest. Unfortunately social media and the wedding industry mock them and say that isn’t reality when it’s more common than people realize. Being a regular guest is a huge honor because you/they are still chosen above everyone else to attend the event. Keep in mind that guests don’t need roles to be honored if they are not a bridesmaid. Not everyone is comfortable with public speaking as a reader (and some circles prefer to leave that to the officiant) or in the spotlight as an usher, etc.
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