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Just Said Yes May 2021

Postponed wedding due to Covid19, now venue doublebooked new date

FaithHAIK, on June 24, 2020 at 4:28 PM Posted in Community Conversations 0 4

We booked our wedding back in June of 2019, with a wedding date of 6/6/2020. Due to the pandemic, we had to work with the venue to postpone. With my fiancé being a firefighter, we couldn't get married in the summer/fall so we had to look at dates of 2021. On 5/4/20 we decided on May 1, 2021 and our coordinator (works at the venue) went to work right away getting the new date set up (reached out to almost all of our vendors for us.) Well today (6/24) she just called me saying that the owner of the venue booked a wedding on our date and now WE have to choose a new date. She said that because I didn't sign a revision contract it wasn't in her system- I immediately said I never received a revision and she admitted/agreed that she had researched that and the system never sent one out to us. But they're still going to go with the couple with a signed contract...I was told that they want to help us with what they can for example: if we have to book a new DJ they'd help with the deposit....

I called my fiancé and we're both on the same page of almost wanting to give up/cancel big wedding and elope. Our venue had stated in the beginning of the coronavirus that they wouldn't be issuing refunds for cancelled weddings. The venue alone has $16,000 of our money and all of our vendors have been paid in full for months. And obviously we already sent out change the dates ($300+)

I guess I am writing this to get opinions on what we should do. Do we fight this? Do we ask for any sort of refund so we can move on with our lives? The coordinator also admitted that our date was on her spreadsheet but the owner didn't look at it before booking the wedding (the coordinator books pretty much all of the weddings, owner doesn't really deal with booking/behind the scene stuff) so I don't know why that even happened. I completely understand the stress the wedding industry is feeling right now, I am trying not to be mad but this is heartbreaking.

I also want to add that we had planned to elope on our original date but fiancé ended up having to work due to station sending out an engine to so cal for a fire. So absolutely nothing has been going our way Smiley sad these are such hard times


Latest activity by Gina, on June 30, 2020 at 3:27 PM
  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    Oh man that sucks! that is SO on them to help you recover any costs of having to change the date again if you do decide that.

    do you want to try to postpone again? it sounds like you kind of don't. but altogether would you be losing more money than not?

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  • V
    Rockstar July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    I am so very sorry. The owner should have checked with the coordinator before booking another event, but I also think you could have asked for a revised contract at the time of changing your wedding date as that's what I would have done just to cover your bases. Do they have any other dates that would work with your schedule? If so, I would book that date immediately with a revised contract. I would also tell them that you are out $300+ for change the dates and ask them to reimburse you so that you can buy new change the date cards. Since they have already told you that the money is non-refundable, I don't think there is any way they are going to give you your money back. The best option would be to find a new date and hope that your vendors are available or take up the venue's offer to cover the cost of book new vendors.

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  • Sarah
    Expert August 2020
    Sarah ·
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    I think the reason (and it sucks!) they’re going with the other couple is bc that contract will hold up in litigation. They have no leg to stand on. With you, they do. Just a sad truth. I’m not sure what advice to offer other than when you look back, will you regret not having the big wedding? If so, I’d try to find a new date.
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  • Gina
    WeddingWire Administrator April 2021
    Gina ·
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    Hi there,

    I'm so sorry to hear this! I can't imagine how stressful this must be. If I were in your shoes, I think I would be so frustrated that I would prefer to elope.

    Have you talked with your partner? What is important to both of you? Also, maybe you could take an informal poll of the family and friends that you most want to see at your wedding. Their responses may help you decide your next step. In the end, you should make the decision that feels right for you.

    Sending so much love your way!


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