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Expert June 2021

Does reception dancing in household pods work?

on March 12, 2021 at 11:28 AM Posted in Wedding Reception 0 7
Hey NYC bride here and the governor announced dancing at receptions are allowed if masks are worn, socially distanced and only in household pods. Now I had already restricted my wedding back in October/November to align with the weddings my state was currently allowing at that time. I figured phase 4 was the lowest our cases had been and with covid not going away anytime soon then it would be a safe bet to plan our wedding with those restrictions. I gave myself time to grieve the wedding I thought I would have to accept and be happy with the one I could. So I chopped my list to 46 because my city's cap was 50 at that time, moved it outdoors, and filled up the evening to replace dancing. Now my fh and my families have gotten wind of the governors loosened restrictions and are in our ears about opening the guest list (which we’re not doing. Our list is perfect and has literally every person we couldn’t get married without) and also the dancing. I know other couples my be happy about the allowable dancing but I’m more annoyed because I reenvisioned my day which wasn’t easy and I love it now which took a lot of time. Plus it was not an easy task trying to fill up the evening but after getting creative I found a way. Opening the dance floor would send me back to the drawing board and I’m tired of reworking everything. That’s all this planning has consisted of. I just want to know what our wedding will look like. But back to my original question on the dancing restrictions, I wanted to know if anyone else had weddings where dancing had to be done in household pods with masks and 6ft between each pod, how did it go? How did these rules get announced? Did people stay in their pods? Because I honestly don’t see that happening. Especially if the cha cha slide comes on. And then who’s supposed to be the hall monitor if people mix pods? I see a lot of flaws with this dancing rule set by our governor and that’s why I’m having a difficult time even entertaining the idea. That, and there is still 3 months between the time these new loosened restrictions go into effect and if cases go back up then I would need to go back to my original wedding plans of no dancing no mingling. Which is another reason I keep telling my family I want to leave it as planned. There’s nothing worse than the constant back and forth. At least us having our wedding planned with all of last summers restrictions in mind means no new restrictions would take anything away from our wedding unless it’s a smaller guest list than 46 which would suck. I don’t see us making any changes until maybe the week of the wedding because each day brings something new. Hopefully by the week of the wedding we’ll know exactly what our wedding will be and look like. But I just have so many questions about these household pod, distanced and masked dance floors. So if any one has done this or been to a wedding with this please share.
~Rant over ~


Latest activity by Michelle, on March 13, 2021 at 1:38 PM
  • Elizabeth
    Super June 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    If you don't want to change your plans again, don't do it. Block out the voices. Only do what you want with regards to dancing. You don't need dancing to have a fun wedding.

    I don't see how you would enforce pods on the dance floor. It seems like an absolutely hairbrained regulation
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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    If most invitations go to couples, as happens at many weddings, and they
    dance with each other, that is hugely better.

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  • Katie
    Dedicated October 2021
    Katie ·
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    It's great you created a back up plan and are happy with how you want your wedding day to go! Idk what you have planned but is there any reason not to just leave it be and let people dance if they want to in the pods or do whatever activity you planned if they don't want to dance in the pods? I don't see any reason to redo all the work you've done

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  • Julie
    VIP February 2020
    Julie ·
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    Keep your wedding the way you want it!

    Dancing in pods is pretty moronic idea (Sorry governer) Viruses don't care about a family pod. 6 ft is an arbitrary number, and dancing and sweating and heavier breathing is just going to make the airborne virus go further.
    Besides, it's your wedding. Do it the way you like it.
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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
    Rebecca ·
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    Like you said, we have no idea what June is going to look like.

    Also, you seem to have put a lot of thought into the rework - remember that "no" is a complete sentence. Use it liberally, and change the subject.

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  • Alyssa
    Super December 2021
    Alyssa ·
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    I don’t see that as a plausible plan 😂 (the governor’s, not yours). I think once people have had some wine they won’t exactly stick to their “pod”. They come to a wedding to see the bride and groom and be with loved ones, not the people they are already sick of.
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    Skip the dancing because that is not feasible.

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